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Who is Olf?

Olf is called Oliver Bossert in real life.

Olf is a biologist who just finished his PhD-thesis work about the threedimensional reconstruction of neurons. He now works as a consultant.

Olf is a bon-vivant who loves cooking, eating and drinking tea. Some recipes he developed or modified can be found here (only in German).

Olf is a computerfreak, who can spend days before his computer, finding extremely elegant solutions for problems - even if no one is interested in the solution. Some of these solutions can be found here.

Olf is someone who loves sitting together with his friends, play tabletop (e.g. the german game "Siedler") or roleplay games or just to sit there and talk about all the world and his wife.

Olf is moreover a bookworm, who hoards in his room enormous amounts of books. In the virtual bookcase you can find summaries of some books.

... and whoever wants to know more about me is cordially invited on a cup of tea, in order to find out more about myself.

Here is my Public Key.

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Xmas Cookies

Tim the bird

Trading Journal V0.10








Images out of africa

Back from the island

Sign of life

More pictures, more visitors, more recipes ...

Happy New Year!

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© 2004 Oliver Bossert